
Monday, April 1, 2019

All Classes, 4.1.19 Work

Task 1:

Article + Questions

1. Read article (pg. 1-3)
2. Answer questions on pg.4 in FULL SENTENCES inside notebook. If you don't have your notebook, I would suggest checking the front table. There were a lot left behind.

Task 2:
3. When finished with task 1, visit the website here and pick another mosquito-born illness. Answer the following questions about that illness in your notebook.

1. what is the name of your mosquito-born illness?
2. What are some symptoms of this illness?
3. How does it spread?
4. Where can outbreaks occur?
5. What is the treatment for this disease?
6. Is there an effective treatment for this disease?
7. Is there anything we can do to prevent the disease from spreading?
8. What countries are most affected by this disease?
9. How many people die from this disease each year?
10. What's one question you still have about your mosquito-born illness

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